Retail Building

Project Overview:

  • This project was the result of a competitive tender of over nine regional structural steel contractors
  • The project intent was for Old Mutual to develop a Small to Medium Enterprise retail centre offering retail space to this segment of the retail market.
  • The client was Old Mutual Property and the brief to us was for a 15000m2 portal framed structure complete with a pedestrian walkway over a busy road, connecting the new development to the older Eastgate Centre.
  • The Architects were Pearce McCormish Tarabuku, the Structural Consulting Engineers were Marcussen & Cocksegde.



  • Portal frames of various configurations were used throughout this structure in single and double volume applications.
  • The paint coating specifications were twin pack epoxies and abrasive blasting surface prep was required on certain elements such as the pedestrian walk way bridge including on other exposed steel elements.